Serco went Berserko
- Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
- Prisoner Custody Officer - Belvedere Vehicle Base
Prisoner Custody OfficerBelvedere Vehicle BaseFull Time, Permanent, 40Hours£26,811.00Could you take someone from confusion to clarity?Could you take them from confrontational to calm?Could you take somebody from secluded to supported?Do you want to make a difference every day?If so, then a Prisoner Custody Officer position could be the role for youWhat we offer· £26,811.00 per annum· Up to 6% contributory pension scheme· Serco discounts which include cinema, merlin entertainment and online shopping discounts, cycle to work scheme and discounts on mobile phone plans and leisure centre memberships.· A safe and supportive culture· The chance to make a positive difference to the prison and court systems· A company passionate about diversity and inclusionIts not easy being trusted with the safety and security of someone about to go to court - but it is rewarding. For the person being detained it can be one of the most stressful situations they will ever encounter, but for you, its an everyday part of your job.As a Prisoner Custody Officer your role is to provide Court transportation services, collecting detained persons from prisons or police stations and transporting them safely and securely to courts for trial. Once there, youre responsible for every aspect of their care
AB, I actually think this time you should report the assault. make that guy jobless, he's clearly too unstable to be in his role. He admits he was trying to get your camera. THATS AN ADMISSION OF GUILT!
At the end of the video he said he reported the assault.
Not nice to wish unemployment on anyone - although he was wrong it wasn't exactly a war crime. AB is a habitual line stepper and is a master at dealing with such individuals.
@@Michael-dr5re don't agree m8 assault is assault the security person was in the wrong no matter what. AB report this to the Police brother 100% assault charge you know the score.
You did well here AB handled yourself well. I bet those Serco idiots wouldn't dare to do that to a prisoner there a bunch of ego manaics and cowards ... they all seemed like a bunch of arrogant scum bags
Quote--- "Hhe's got a beard and a face covering one, and he is foreigner.... as if that ain't racist or being profiled I don't know what is.
There more concerned about filming that assaulting ppl
The big guy even tried intimating the police by storming up to them.if that was a member of the public they would of gotten taking to the floor.👍
SERCO needs more auditing visits.
I'm in if you are...
Yeah a whole army of auditers I think!
Flash mob every yard...
Far more !
Poor woman was out of breath after 20 steps 😂
Karen needs the treadmill.
You can tell the officer that initially spoke to you wasn't bothered. He made no further enquiries about the specifics of the assault or if you sustained any injuries. Clear prejudice.
Yeah the cops almost aways side with one side instantly. It's kind of insane.
AB is a mug. He made no effort to show the video and should have just provided details.
@@wavell14 he doesn't like to give details in person. He rang 101 afterwards
@@Plague_Doc22 if it’s a business and you entered, they tend to side with them regardless, pathetic policing.
@@michaelmcdermott2810 they ahve cctv that would show it
When he said "Look at that beast!" I literally LOL'd 🤣🤣
The boss man doesn’t appear to really be in charge. His belligerent employees ignore him and defy him. Not the greatest show of leadership.
My thoughts entirely. Nobody there had any respect for the manager or took any notice of his instructions. The expression "the lunatics have taken over the asylum" said by Richard A. Rowland in 1919 seems somewhat true a hundred years later.
He thinks he is a chilled out entertainer
The mess outside their offices tells you everything you need to know about the company.
@@davidmoore3538 - English. Do you read it?
@@iby914 how is the mess on a public footpath dictate what type of company they are. Might be English but talking shite
@@iby914 😂
@@davidmoore3538 please watch the video again and then comment .
P.C. 1210 was impressive - courteous and professional throughout, and immediately notified AB that he was being recorded.
no he wasn't he was biased
Why is he showing number plates someone call the police
Being on private property a few minutes ago and filming doesn’t give the Serco employee any justification to assault people.
Agreed m8 ! I'm hoping justice is done.. maybe I'm biased as I've been in the back of a Serco van a few times and know what their like
I don’t agree if AB was on my private grounds I would release the hounds and when I have finally caught up to his fallen body I would hit him with my coach a couple of times and plead it’s a civil matter as they pick up the 100 or so parts of cranium
Bad idea to trigger dog people, though.
@@davidmoore3538 do you know just how f..king stupid you sound , ya obviously just ah little boy giving it all the biggen behind ya phone sitting in ya bedroom at ya mums house
@@spacedust2270 if you’ve been at the back of these vans and you was mistreated as you crying now, means that you didn’t behave so well, did you?
If you did that to a police officer and was “no evidence” you would still be arrested and charged. Funny how rules differ
I'm always amazed when a member of staff comes at you shouting "why are you filming", then continues to shout over you whilst you calmly try to explain why. Amazing work again AB 👏
And when you try to explain calmy they all accuse you of being aggressive
The police officer who spoke with you was a decent cop . He was on the ball sorted it out calmly and quickly. All police should be like him
No actually there was no investigation really
You are deluded
All for the camera pal.
@@dontstart8440 why am I deluded lol
Gets assaulted then told to sit like a dog?! Manager was just as disgraceful as the others. Serco needs to see this.
Circo would give these clowns a round of applause
I'm a director at cerco and I can tell you three people have been dismissed about this.
@@deansmith4037 no one has the right to assault anyone. Shamefull.
i tell that manger that fuck assault me i have the right to def myself by knock his dumb ass to the ground against his will under arrest if u let him walk away like that then u be arrest as will also i get a lawyer & my case worker will know what this place did by showing what business u work for same with him both u will be fired with other & this place lose alot of money for his fuck up
@@deansmith4037 It's SERCO , thought you might have known that being a Director and all .
I worked as a subcontractor on a number of Serco sights many years ago. The company thinks it's a law unto itself. I shopped them for multiple breaches of the Health and safety at work act then had one of their area managers phone me up 3 weeks later telling me that I didn't know who I was messing with and would be getting a visit. (Seriously!) After telling him to fk off and lose his virginity he phoned the police and told them I had threatened him without realising I had him on speaker for most of our conversation and two other people had been listening to his own BS threats. Suffice to say the filth did absolutely nothing regarding his false allegation.
That’s the point that if AB had touched him he would have screamed blue murder and tried to have him arrested. The Police should apply the law consistently. You should remember people only work for Serco cos they are too shit to work for a real company.
They are a law unto themselves though, government owned. Same as Crapita. Guaranteed contracts..
@@davidbillyard6629 Serco is owned by the hedge funds. It's the bent politicians with money invested in those funds who ensure Serco gets awarded highly lucrative government contracts. The whole system is corrupt as fk.
Expect a visit shortly maybe two cause you think you are clever with your RUclips handle
@@davidmoore3538 Pathetic Cretin
Serco ran the 'detention centres' in Australia. They run visa centres and deliver all sorts of services that "herd" the sheeple. This is a direct quote from their website "Treating people in our care with dignity and respect in a safe and secure environment." AB well done for standing ground as you do
Good. Illegals deserve bad treatment.
They do a lot more than that..
treating people with dignity and care " ??? what a this little write up they got in wikipedia ?? Finishes up with alleged rape by their employees of migrants in one of their " processing " centres !! " In July 2019, a fine of £19.2m was imposed on Serco for fraud and false accounting over its electronic tagging service for the Ministry of Justice. The company was also ordered to pay the Serious Fraud Office's investigative costs of £3.7 million.[4] The charged ex-directors of firm’s subsidiary were cleared of fraud and false accounting in April 2021[5] as the SFO had failed to disclose certain documents to the defense, resulting in issues, which, according to the judge “undermine the process of disclosure to the extent that the trial cannot safely and fairly proceed until they have been remedied”.[6] The company has also been accused of an extensive cover-up over sexual abuse of immigrants at Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre in Bedfordshire,[7] and, together with its consortium partners, failing to develop a strategy for managing higher-activity radioactive waste at the Atomic Weapons Establishment
Vile lot. Those detention centres in Australia were abusive of human rights according to the UN. The government got so scared they made it an offence with years in jail if journalists wrote on it.
Whats the hands in the pocket business...?
Their all doing it and it looks very unprofessional.
The guy who said "he didn't attack you" is an ex-policeman , because that's the sort of crap that police say.....
Damn that escalated quick from the big buy, no need for that.
If that guy thinks that serco is worth committing an assault for then he's never had a decent job.
They are goons. Brainwashed goons.
They're not just working with serco They're part of a syndicate of scrutiny Committee bullying and breadcrumbs Council mgoutsidebodies and corporate abuse ring..... need proof?
27:00 it's not music it's audio of the real life abuse..... "not the drive of shame he said"
Lucky escape, KAREN ate the last auditor!😜
She has got a SERIOUS problem thinking she is important in this world... She was frigging out of breath before coming to you and the way she tried to "summon" AB through the window... She is an idiot!!
It's okay now it's on a diet.🤮🤮🤮
She ate more one lol
It’s amazing how serco are more concerned about why someone is doing something legal compared to someone doing something illegal! Says a lot about them
When a company hires people who can't do anything in life except throw their weight around, you can't expect them to hold a rational conversation with you, they aren't rational people.
She has a lot of weight to throw around.
usual muppets from serco! untrained cheap serco, who the royal family make money from!
@@MmmMmm-yo7ud too many greggs
Did you see smoking funny haircut with the long chain??
He could be both jailor or jailed with only a change of clothes.
If you pay tax in this country, you need to report a crime as you have been robbed.
@@andiehyde3714 so I know with screws, the longer the chain means the longer they been doing the dead end job. I believe the pit another notch for every year service. Sad bit true.
Absolutely disgusting the behaviour from Serco! What a bunch of bullies! The woman came storming out like she was important 😂, well done on keeping your cool! ✌🏼
She was interrupted whist wolfing food down her mouth I reckon as you can see the knife in her hand when he pointed camera into the window before she waved at him.
@@softshallow7435 Just look at the size of that! You would be in fear of it rolling over onto you.
She's probably on minimum wage, why would she care 😁
was that a woman???
@@tubbyninja8469 you can’t tell these days. 🤔😂
A brilliant officer a very rare thing well done young man a credit to the uniform...
Agreed 👍
The officer was really professional and dealt with the situation very well 👍👍👏
If you don't report assaults, the message you send is that you can be assaulted because your desire to not reveal your ID, outweighs the accountability that this guard (and others) need to face. Also, Serco staff stated they had CCTV on the front of their building, was this preserved, viewed?
AB , I personally wouldn't bother with the assault.
Go for attempted robbery he actually says it on your video.
He's bang to rights.
he's committing an offence.
Good one mate
Aggravated robbery
Get them for both, and all offences committed
@@horyzengaming3935 no such offence. The basic premise of robbery is theft. It is the violence, actual or implied, that aggravates the theft to make it robbery (so in other words robbery could already be construed as an aggravated crime).
As to whether a theft charge would stand up - that is debatable. Was the intention of the Serco employee to permanently deprive AB of his phone or was it to ascertain the nature of the film footage on the phone? If the latter, does that justify the use of force, reasonable or unreasonable, to take possession of the phone.
Remember ignorance is no defence but there also has to be a mens rea to the actus reus to successfully prosecute a crime.
@@reb0118 I am going by what the idiot who stole my phone was charged with, same situation so yes there is such a charge. But thank you anyway for your opinion.
Failure of duty across the board here. Surely a manager of any worth would be at least suspending the perpetrator pending a review ... the fat bint was just as bad if not worse in many ways ... as for the police .. shameful. Keep going AB ... love your work mate
The rotund mess was worse, clearly hasn’t had any for a good 10 years so needs to take her aggression out elsewhere. It makes me laugh that the officer didn’t want AB to come near them incase he aggravated the situation yet she was stood there talking photos and making personal comments, not to mention the previous coy racism on the phone to the police.
What did the police do wrong here in this situation sounds like your angry broooo
@@davidmoore3538 he couldn't be arsed could he. An allegation of assault was made but he didn't care and definitely didn't want to investigate it. Angry ? Nah. Done my time 30 years ago for tangling with the cops ... 6 and a half years for 'assaulting' 4 of them ... before the days of body worns and they battered the shite out of me ... in cuffs and out. Like all walks of life you get good and you get bad
@@davidmoore3538 Trooooooooooool
@@DavidMartin-rl4ov How right you are…If anything, you were kind. David Moore? Anyone over the age of 14 that uses bro is obviously a douche. Moore stupid. Moore of an asskisser.
Very professional police officers, it’s understandable that the crime can not be progressed if personnel details are not given. I think Serco have learned a few man management lessons from this little exercise, well done.
That police officer was on point we need more officers like him who knows is duty and how to implement it ! It is good to know that are some good ones out there !
It Is. There are a lot of them, it’s just the stupid like goons who don’t have the ability to think.
Haven't got to the end yet, but my money is on the police saying NFA , no further action will be taken.
I love the comment you made, if that was the officer being assaulted they would put him in cuffs straight away!! Good officer, he handled it well and was polite though👍🏼
half an hour of content on a sunday afternoon thank you
pretty sur the cop took him aside to advise him what to say to justify his actions.
@@djohn1671 could see whos side they were on within seconds
@@ThisDJ808 yep, there's more of them so they ALL wouldn't lie eh?.
@@djohn1671 especially the rotund female with a mouth like Tynemouth. She wouldnt
Wow! That escalated quickly. AB, you may wish to consider getting a 360 camera. That way, if someone attacks you from the side, then you are certain to have captured it on video.
Keep fighting the good fight. We stand with you.
Yeah , If I was fit enough to do this type of auditing I would have all the best equipment. Like long range directional microphones, Covert cameras set up in and around the area of auditing, OK it not certain things are going to kick off but the old scout motto "Be Prepared " comes to mind ,,,, Oh and 1974 film the CONVERSATION Starring Gene Hackman as a surveillance expert is a great learning experience,,,,,
360 camera 📷 is a Awesome 🤩 idea 💡
He should set up a stand alone video camera from a different angle at a bit of a distance, to get a better prospective.
You support this moron who aggravates people for his channel? I bet he has a 1” cock when hard
Even better - backup camera person!
The serco boy standing outside smoking and looking like he was daydreaming was hilarious- wouldn’t want to use serco for my guards lol 😂
These lot do not know what aggression is by
raising your voice is not being aggressive 💯
So you walk into a open yard for a few seconds and this justifies being assaulted. Disgusting behaviour and managers don’t even care just worry about what your recorded, obviously worried you recorded them being thugs. No respect for companies like this
Thats just rubbish he deliberately provoked a reaction... just like all his crap does...
Being on a public foot path taking photos then a person comes out and causes you fear distress & alarm, due to his attempt to take your personal property is a crime.
His company should sake him gross misconduct and assaulted a member of the public in one there uniforms.
A talk with a solicitor and get then sorted.
I believe they a prison escort service they have no power at all once out the gates he is clearly a risk to that company
That is equal to your lawn being invaded by someone. It's not so debatable.
You want to name the companies that you do have respect for? maybe when the government reviews their audit of contract they can use the information. You are obliviously well respected that one employee reaction is enough to stain the good name of serco
@@billellis5502 no please stop you need to calm down if AB was in fear and distress I really don’t think making these types of videos is good for his health.
Let’s stop using words that are way of whack of what really is going on hear AB walks around looking to poke bears and I very much doubt at any point he is fear
The guy who assaulted you was out of order along with the woman. Shocking behaviour. To think that they should have an air of professionalism is beyond me.
And all done in front of management,
I didn't know serco was owned by the royals. It's so scary. Thanks for your work.
What deplorable people they are . You were attacked on public property outside their gates
Can you imagine how they treat the inmates.
Assault that is slanderous at no point does his camera show this
Not very well I hope
@@davidmoore3538 the security guy admitted it on camera
@@mcirelandosharma7411 if we are watch to the letter of law videos that wouldn’t be enough for a conviction they are just words mate AB knows this when he pokes bears asks the cops to do something then got caught in his own catch 22 when he has to give over his details
Imagine if we had 20000 AB’s taking ip polices time think how real crime will never get solved it’s painful to think
@@BABYWOLF--1966 kick Rocks bootlicker
I used to work for a company like this and I swear as soon as the 6 weeks of training was over and we got our uniforms a lot of them thought they were tough guys. 6 weeks training is ridiculous, how can you tell the type of person you are employing in that time, this is a perfect example, they have come out like a bunch of thugs attacking a member of the public.
Who's only reason for being there was to stick cameras in people's faces and get reactions out of them. The guys a cock.
Yes they do think that. Cowboys with no power and thug skills.
@@BJ-zy2hi cry harder
Research" The Stanford Prison experiment" about abuse of'll curl your hair.
You want to know how you can tell if they are suitable for the job? The very fact that they applied for the job proves that they are unsuitable.
Hands in pockets is obviously standard practice for Serco
What are they trying to hide?
That’s a busy day for these tax leeches
Slovenly, with no sense of self-respect or pride. Broken, feral Britain. The filth at the gate confirms my view.
Old Chinese proverb reads. Man with hands in pockets, feel cocky all day
@@nomadsteve5297 😂
She’s an attractive woman. You should have thrown some doughnuts and she would have been too mesmerised chasing them.
As usual, the police do nothing when an auditor reports a crime.
Then there must be solid evidence.
But if the accusations are against an auditor, then only words without evidence are required.
I found it troubling that Fat Karen embellished ABs description to the police, tattoos and wearing camouflage.
He made it as difficult as possible for no reason though
He offered to take the report and progress it, what else can he do?
@@garethdavies8048 ask to actually look at the video evidence and take him into custody just like they would if he laid hands on a officer.
Auditor had the option to progress it, chose not to.
SERCO have got to be one of the most dodgy companies in Britain.
What an unprofessional bunch of clowns! Smoking, hands in pockets, shouting and attacking the public. No wonder they have a poor reputation 🤨
Sercus Clowns
the smoking guy was straight out of peaky blinders lol
Serco is the biggest company that until now, many people hadn’t heard of.
@@Gisborne1990 guy?
@@FlippingSloth I am guy the guy who is a guy.
Note how they always skip past the reporting of an assault and keep on questioing YOU for using a camera. They are sick.
Wow! They must have passed the ‘Stand in front of the public with your hands in your pockets which make you look Stupid’ course.
Its nice to see the cast of shameless managed to find work after the series ended.
AB you really need to get 360 camera so it captures all physical interactions!
Maybe you want to start eating lettuce. I'm dead.🤣
It always amuses me when people like her say they’re going to ring the police.
What does she expect the police to do?
Handle their feelings and inadequacies
She doesn't know the law and as a result thinks that the police 👮👮♀️🚔🚓 will arrest the cameraman 🤣😂🤣😂.
See how out of breath she was. 😩
@@Plonkyb that's why she needs to eat some lettuce as AB said
@@Plonkyb Yo Sir AB, that salad dodger needs more donuts to fill her cake hole then she can't talk so much verbal diarrhoea.👑
It's amazing how grown men get offended so easily these days
You and 12 other serco morons.. Don't get it... Do you.
serco lost over £2,000 of my property and refunded me £400 for the pleasure
Thank you ☺️
You will get a reply saying “there was no evidence of an assault, as there was no intent to harm”. That’s what happened to me in a very similar situation.
same ...was punched by a guy in supermarket police turned up and said the cctv shows the guy looked like he was shaking yr hand 🤷
Yeah, they conspire amongst themselves, cops and security firms, back each other up all the time.
@@Reds786 sorry for that Bro, these idiots couldn't be bothered to investigate a real crime,
@@johnkelly9463 Joke tbh
@@johnkelly9463 Thanks
Cathy Burke has gone downhill a bit hasn't she.
You have to give respect to the police here AB, they were very professional.
First copper was but the second copper seemed a right pompous little prick
How about the coppers review the CCTV (from the many cameras they’re sure to have), and AB’s footage, and decide if there’s grounds for an assault charge. Yes, they acted professionally, as they should. And very diplomatically. But not fairly.
I'm just relieved that there were no lorries speeding towards the entrance as they would have been written off with the immovable human barrier standing in the middle of the road 🤣
Hi AB. I always watch your videos and I have to say thank you! I was a student police officer for 8 months and seen everyday how police would abuse their power and think they’re above the law! Refreshing to see them put in their place and get lessons on how the law works! Police always bend the legalisation on what works for them and lie on statements so it goes on their side of the story! We would also have briefings when you went to one of our stations and they would give officer print outs on legislation around stop and searches including the terrorism act.
Only 8 months? Clearly not cut out for the job…..kicked out of the force I’m betting
@@sherriffjohn-stone9111 Resigned out of my own free will after doing a full time degree while being a full time police officer with only 21K per year? After seeing how police officers act and not feeling any difference is being made why would I want to stay in the job for such little pay?
Thanks for being one of the good guys
@@sherriffjohn-stone9111 Big respects to Ryan 👍
If I was a gambler... you're not a proper (upright) copper, Sherriff (🙈🙊) this seems more 'clear' than your assumption of Ryan 👍
@@sherriffjohn-stone9111 some people are too good and honest to want to bully normal people. Getting kicked out of the police for not following corrupt govt orders would be a badge of true honour and integrity.
Shocking behaviour from Serco (as expected). Great work as usual AB 👌🏼
This guy goes out of his way the wind people up, usually security guards Amy barracks or police stations..Its safe because he knows full well the chances of getting good kicking are negligible...
Ashley I would say it’s the other way round AB walks around poking bears instigating criminal acts for RUclips pleasure
The managers are a waste of space could not even control there own staff and then lie . I wonder how many prisoners they have assaulted if they act like that to members of public
Well done on how you handled yourself, as I’m not sure what I may’ve done had I been in your shoes. I recently attended a job fair, and was told to attend a separate Serco recruitment event, which I did. However, after doing a bit of homework and also watching this video, I think that I’ll give them a very wide berth. They do not look or sound like the kind of people that I’d like to work for. You’ve got yourself a new subscriber.
I think your brain would hurt after a short time associating with numpties like that. You made the right decision.
Seriously have taken over a remand centre here is Australia. Hopeless outsourcing of Goverment entities.
They have some military health input as well. Always pay low and make a mess. Workers to suit.
One thing I don't understand: Someone makes an allegation regarding an assault and the police doesn't act, even with body cam footage! How come when a police staff makes an allegation, auditors gets arrested without proof?!
Corruption unchallenged for decades...they see themselves on the same side against the public. There's overlap too of course, with certain members of the public who have special privileges & are virtually untouchable by law.
@@ajacks1349 surely they should be accountable for infringing on people's rights and be, themselves, prosecuted...
Because they're bent tyrants
A friend of mine got assaulted a few weeks ago the police didn’t even contact him for two days … I told him next time go stand outside the station and film he will get half a dozen in minutes
And why didn't the police go inside and take the cctv evidence before it could be tampered or destroyed. Shouldn't that be standard practice, securing the evidence of an alleged crime?
Yes it was an assault by that idiot,only the bloke with the glasses on his head had any idea.The rest of them were complete and totally unprofessional,Fat Karen was as you said AB totally mad.Well done to the Copper,hope you go forward with the assault AB,keep safe and keep up the great work.
Which one was fat Karen ?😂
Fat Karen is now working as a roundabout in Dartmouth.
Yes it was an assault? At no point I saw an assault my fellow RUclipsr viewer.
If I were you, I would be thankful she didn't trip up, fall on you, and suffocate you.
Another case of too many Chip Shop pies! Good job she didn't have to run after you.
@@davidmoore3538 the CCTV cameras on the building did though.....and probably the building opposite fellow youtuber
Serco. The company you wished you'd never heard of , ever.... Enough Government and private contracts that make the Mafia look exceptionally tame by comparrison.
Look into their relationship with Tory MPs
@@chriso8485 Yeah. Already know. The puppets who are supposedly in power, but really just play to the public, like going to the theatre, and get paid millions for sitting in a Cathedral called Westminster, probably praying to their Earthly God.
These are the ones providing security for migrant hotels, I hear.
Jings, you don't need a gate when she's standing there 🤣
You definitely need to make sure you are wearing a body cam for back up.
He's locked himself out after closing the gates. 😆
When there is a crime, such as an assault, the police aren't interested. Same for burglaries
But get your camera out around a corporation building and the police attend in droves!
But go five mph over the speed limit they’ve all the time in the world
Society has reached a point where I feel we should all carry cameras.
We already do
After seeing ABs videos absolutely right.❤
This as opened the flood gates for other auditors to pay a visit.
Agressive Big fella attacked you because he realised he was going to be on You Tube and he is claiming benefits and hiding from Child Maintenance Department for his 9 kids
Put the pipe down lad
@OneBall, that is assault by force. If the big fella behaved in that way in any town on a Saturday night would get a pummelling.
The tall guy never quizzed AB, and his head was still at start of video so he had no way of seeing if AB had any weapons or was about to commit violence which he was not.
Story of serco training to be prison Warden and public civilians roles misappropriation of their job function outside of prison civic duty, terrible Belvedere unit.
It rude to point Madam, she is just as culpable AB you have a case of assault if I were you i would speak to a solicitor and clean up this serco unit.
Shame the way this nation is going.😱
@OneBall, citation for AB legal team
wrongful arrest Kidderminster Police statio 2021/22
wrongful detainment Slough Police station 2021/22
insufficient evidence from detaining, and insufficient grounds to keep in a cell for 36hrs under UK law, each time the arresting officer read the civilian section 44 Terrorism act.
All the best, I do hope Belvedere G4S really do look at themselves in the mirror. I will say in your footage your defence must you never entered the reception of G4S at Belvedere the gates are unmanned, and not dog security or footpatrol present at Belvedere. You proved from your footage G4S Security personnel at this site rely solely on the camera room security footage, let's hear their defence to your defence barrister. Let us know the outcome. Stay safe kind caring gentlemen.
Yes deffo. I never thought of that.
The Police officer who you spoke with was excellent.
So the assault was captured on film, and yet the officer still says "alleged" - if you have proof of the criminal offence you don't need the victims details to take action. Muppets
AB doesn`t need police police to press charges he can do it himself.
The police officer was fair in his dealings with AB. However police officers no longer prosecute in England & Wales. Therefore to progress the case for the CPS contact details of all parties must be taken.
In essence an allegation is all that it is until the case has been proved either way in a court of law.
Not every offence is charged and not all charged offences are prosecuted. Court should be seen as a final option unless the matter was serious.
This matter was far from serious, in fact it was manufactured trivia. I'm more concerned about the midden outside the Serco offices - somebody should certainly be charged for that.
@@reb0118 try grabbing a coppers phone. See how far that takes in the penal system
This outfit cant be much cop if they are taking on great fat dollops like old blunder moman as a security guard
@@reb0118 Fair? Not sure how that interaction could be classed as "fair" as he failed in all the basic tasks when presented with such an accusation. 1) he made no attempt to find out specifics of the assault. 2) failed to ascertain extent of his injuries (if any.) 3) didn't properly collect evidence or witness statements from bystanders. I agree it could be seen as somewhat trivial but ultimately AB was assaulted and this is a criminal offence.
When you leave school with no qualifications and no prospects.....Get a job with Serco.
there you are…. Finally
AB If the police refuse to prosecute that violent security guard I’ll gladly lodge a private prosecution for you free of charge. These people who abuse their powers including the police themselves have to be held accountable.
wonderful its about time we got these souless people working in these force position of power roles while they walk this Earthly World this Earthly Realm held to task for their poor behaviour
Love ppl like you ....respect!
Ab take the advice and help from Karl fox
can it be done via the small claims court , if they dont show up on the day you win.
Its AB who is refusing to prosecute by not supplying his victim details. The police need those details to record who the injured party is, i.e the complaint. They would also need a statement from AB, which would include his name and address.
AB is the only person here refusing to take action, which is a shame.
That Bin Laden picture cracked me up 😂😂😂
Those goons in the white shirts are too used to roughing up the prisoners
The Serco manager said the incident would be covered by their CCTV why didn’t the police view it? Policing with fear and favour?
Well obviously the CCTV is only "on" when it's in their interests for it to be.
Mmmmmm.......i was a shame that AB did not point that remark out to the officer ., ' cos a the manager had proffered the offer of CCTV it would suggest a good " in ".. But have been ragged round by these " guys " it was lost easily in the' fog of war '..
Can you imagine what they do to their clients behind closed doors.
There are stories same with immigration centres sadly.
That cop was actually fair and reasonable
Which is extrmely rare.
3:50 he says " I tried to grab the phone"
That's attempted street robbery.
You need to report this.
Correct 👍🏻
He's on public land no power what's so ever
By trying to grab the phone hes committed an offence.
@mad max
Are you American by any chance?
Assault right there wow, wonder how they treat the prisoners
The big guy is tremendously violent. He chose to act physically with you rather than speaking to you. Really they need to train their staff.
Best of luck AB
@leah keyworth 🤣 AB 🤳 offered her lettuce 🥬 but she declined .
I would have smacked him if he pointed that camera at me
@@patword4540CCTVs are located in every corner in this country. I think you’ll be smacking everyone who installed these cameras.
@@Zawiesta 🤣😂
♥️ love your statement.
You should send the video to Mark Irwin at their registered office 16 Bartley Wood Business park, bartley way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UY, he is one of the directors. I would also send the footage to the SIA, the guy who attacked you must not get away with this.
Can you imagine what he does to prisoners he is transporting, they dont have cameras to record the brutal treatment.
The minister for justice NEEDS to see how SERCO staff operate.
Managemnt at Belvedere, you should hang your heads in shame, because you stood by watched this attack, did nothing to intervene, shame on you all. Should SERCO be awarded contacts for prisoner handling with this type of person working for them. Come on SERCO, you need to step up and sack this guy, METPOL, you need to prosecute to show a zero tollerance for this type of criminality. Great video AB!
Someone once said if you want to see the dregs Of society , wait out side a prison during shift change . If you wanna see the filth of society - stand outside of Serco any time of day
Next time they want your details for a assault ! Just leave a email address ! Don’t need to leave a name !
Fair play to the officer dealing with AB; he was fair and respectful the entire time.
Simple solution is to shut the gate but they just left it open 🤷🏼♂️
They are probably to lazy to get up and down to shut the gates as they are to busy feeding their faces with crap.🧀🧀🧀🧀🥐🥐🥐🍞🍞🍞🍞🥖🥖🥖🥖🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍿🍩🍩
Can you just imagine how they treat the prison inmates 😢😢😢😢
"There's obviously 2 sides to the story"... Wrong, the camera is the objective witness that never lies. There's many sides to a story, but only one objective witness, the camera.
Seems the police are selective when applying that there's 2 sides to the story. The police and Serco work hand in hand so they are not going to press the issue. What should of happened was the officer look at AB's video, then look at the security video and then decide if a crime was committed. If it was, then the details are acquired and and the man is lead off in cuffs.
Cops made no attempt to access the on site CCTV of the incident.
@@geoffbreen2386 I guess they no longer investigate for a crime, they just take details and let someone else do the work.
@@adcolt54 a crime hmmm AB pushes lines and creates a crime bit odd and this was proven when he said I wait to give my details. Poking bears is a crime also
@@davidmoore3538 He waited because the coppers would have shared his details with Serco and still not do anything about the assault. If they had come back and said they are going to file charges on the thug, he would then give his details.
nowt but the smartest problem solvers work for SERCO. Amazon goes crazy for these ex SERCO guards.
AB - just after your video resumes he states on camera “I tried to grab your phone”.
So maybe you could ask the police to investigate as an attempted robbery and say you have evidence of him admitting such on camera?
They won't do fk all
omg even the pigeon at the end said stop filming me! u cant film here. ffs lol
Excellent Audit!!! WoW Assault..., Press Charges, Disgusting!!!, Mass Audit needed
You really should practice the "kick of Damascus" to deal with these violent types.
Ps. got it wrong, it's "the kick of Kabul", The Damascus one is just a "slap of Damascus" 😄 😄 😄
Charlie veitch 👊
That only works on tiny malnourished crackheads. Veitch would never try that on a proper human, especially not the guy in this video.
Love your videos from Kenya Mombasa 🇰🇪🇰🇪💪🏿 love you AB
Yo 🇰🇪
@@AuditingBritain you are funny my friend keep up with you channel
@@AuditingBritain 🤣🤣💯❤👍
@Justifying that’s a Ukrainian flag mate
@@davidmoore3538 u absolute helmet..
Clearly sign posted ‘visitors report to reception’ so implied right to access has been granted to enter if the gates are open. The fact that AB didn’t go directly to the reception is irrelevant.
In Australia, they are nicknamed 'Psycho Security'.
Pretty much the same attitude.
Thanks for standing up to them AB.
The other cop clearly shows who's side his on!!!Boot lickers They didn't want to investigate it! Sick world We are living in!!
Priceless comedy Gold from Serco. Unbelievable attitude
almost spat out my tea when the bin laden picture came up. Great job as usual
Imagine how that thug behaves when he's not accountable? Glad you reported him, I nearly missed you saying that near the end and had to edit. Thank you AB 🏴