Cheating Man Murders Family After Fiancée Catfishes Him
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Police in the Chicago suburb of Romeoville discovered a horrifying crime scene after being called for a welfare check in September 2023. Law enforcement stumbled upon the slain bodies of two adults, two children, and three dogs - Alberto Rolon, Zoraida Bartolomei, and their two children, 10-year-old Adriel and 7-year-old Diego. Initially, investigators believed the massacre was committed by one of the deceased family members. When detectives dug deeper into the crime, they began uncovering a disturbing plot full of twists, including catfishing and the cartel. Find out what happened that night in the quiet Illinois neighborhood on this episode of Law&Crime Investigates.
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Correction: 43:50 "6 innocent lives"
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Don't hate the hustler, hate the game. 😎
So the wife was able to convince him to kill the sidechick and whole family but couldn’t convince him to not cheat? Wild af lol
Now that you put it that way, it's even crazier 🤯
That's what I'm saying...he just seems like a killer regardless....look how calm he was
I wonder after running away from the cops after shopping at Walmart, Paloma was not aware her fiancé, she was lying to cops for, would shoot her dead. one moment she walking out from Walmart another moment she is shot by her cheating fiancé. she schemed the murder of Zoraida and her husband and their kids and dogs. And later Huey carries a gun only to shoot her and himself … wow. Guess she didn’t win did she ? all for a cheating fiancé?
i mean you aint gonna convince a cheater not to cheat lmao they will cheat
No self esteem
He allowed a nameless number from an app to convince him to wipe a whole family off this planet. Its just pitiful 😢
I wonder how he feels that it was his girl
There was already a confrontation. They just don’t tell you about it. You have to read an article about it. Alberto knew about the affair. He confronted Nathanial and damaged Nathanial’s tires. Ermalinda played on this, back-and-fourth l, going on and puppet mastered and invented a threat and made up that that family was involved with a drug cartel.
@@bonnielee7134: thank you for the backstory. Totally insane 😮
@@yaz972he died not knowing it was her all along. Smh
@@Trea1984 How did you think she died first? She told him and he shot her, and then shot himself. How do I know? She was shot in the front
This guy just offed a whole family including two young children and went to work as if nothing happened.... Freaking insane.
As a married woman, why was she going to the clubs in the first place? That's for single people. She still wanted to run the streets. And you seem to brush over the fact that his old girlfriend got jealous, creating this elaborate scheme to get the entire family killed for her own satisfaction at his expense. The shooter's fault is by letting her convince himself to take matters into his own hands. He should have just contacted the police. Overall, everyone is at fault, with the exception of the children. The husband is also at fault, because I'm pretty sure he knew who he married prior.
I have MET the mastermind before, honestly crazy.
Yeah this was the crazy part to me.
Believe it or not we all brush shoulders with murderers daily and never know it there at the grocery store at the workplace everywhere u would be amazed if u actually knew seriously
@@kimberlyshryack not insane, evil
Catfishing your own boyfriend and convincing him to off an entire family is CRAZY work. Thats one of the most diabolical things I've ever seen.
@@ryane5483 i guess her karma was death
nah the killing was the diabolical thing the fk-
@@RaynieeDayGames They both were. I don't think the guy was insinuating that the killing wasn't.
Never heard of Janelle Potter? Wouldn’t be surprised if she got the idea from her.
@@RaynieeDayGamesno coarsing ppl to kill is insane tfu
only clicked because the title was so confusing
I’m still confused
I’m 24 minutes in and I’m so confused 😫
@@kellypalmer7052lol you will be till the end than you’ll say “ah! I got it”
Very confusing
She worried about him cheating yet not worried about him murdering a whole family
She was a callous snake
@@Hannahrk9 When we say they’re in they feelings it’s a action
she led him to murdering the whole family
His cheating is why she convinced him to do that. Are you following the story? Cheating was the motivation for him to do that.
@blackcherry6877 pretty obvious why he cheated on her. It's mostly her fault for all of this
It's sad that cheating literally lead to the death of her entire family. And your poor husband died trying to protect her while she cheated on him with the killer.
I’m confused. I thought it was the husband who cheated ?
@@angelas831if you thought that you have a comprehension problem
@@angelas831 it was but they’re talking about the cheating woman’s family the one who was murdered her husband encountered the murderer first trying to protect his wife not even knowing her infidelity and the murders fiancées crazy reaction to it were the cause of their whole family’s death
In an article, about it, Alberto, Zoraida’s husband, found out about it and confronted Nathanial and damaged Nathanial’s tires. That’s what started the back and forth and that’s how Ermalinda was able to make the fake accounts and puppet master it; because a confrontation had already began. It makes a lot more sense if you have that key piece of information.
At the end, the narrator said four innocent lives were taken… but Zoraida wasn’t innocent. If she kept her legs closed this wouldn’t have happened
My favorite is how often they tell them “no one is gonna know about this conversation” or “this is confidential” as I sit here watching the conversation ha.
@@MissEe2023 or how they don't remember that they are on cameras just about everywhere these days and that their phone location will place them at the scene of the crime they are committing. The number of times crimes are traced back because of their cellphone activity and then street and home cameras is insane.
He took the kid's lives too? This is why I stay to myself. People are insane.
No doubt
Taking a life period is insane but yeah the kids and the dogs , I see no reason he shouldn’t have to suffer the same consequence , eye for an eye !
Same! I feel safer at home watching Netflix, RUclips and spoiling my cats!
"I'm not having any more affairs" gives the same energy as "I'm never drinking again." Sure, dude.
Shoutout to the one cop who was like “why don’t you try the door handle first” 😅
Lmaooo when it was unlocked i was between “dumby its unlocked” and
“Ah mannn that ruined his fun”😂😂
He'll never get promoted, that's for sure
Ole dude was ready to ram, and shoot something or somebody smh
Crazy that it’s like one of the first things they teach you about entry in firefighting or police “try before you pry” but someone still had to teach him😂
I was cracking up!!! 😂
Dude kills an entire family to "protect" his career and lifestyle, as if he was a rocket scientist married to a supermodel or something. What a pathetic loser.
So if i was a billionaire with a supermodel wife, you're telling me i can get away with anything?
@mb32174 Not get away with it, but you can see why it may be hard for some people to reconciling that someone would do this to hold on to very little.
People will commit great evils to hold on to billions oppose to holding on to a 20 dollar bill. All of this is crazy.
@@mb32174 yep
@@mb32174yes actually, unless the thing you’re trying to get away with affects someone more richer than you
@@mb32174 rich people have gotten away with Less: Epstein, Polaski, Savile
I LOVE how that first officer was able to FAKE COMPASSION for that MURDERER to be able to TRAP her with her OWN words!
Finesse 😎
He was like “because he killed them… riggghttt???”
@sophine7189 The ENTIRE first conversation in the car where the officer basically AGREED with her about how terrible it was that her husband was cheating on her
“You’re not mad about the affairs?”
*NO IM 50 years OLD, I’m TOO old for that*
Proceeds to make fake profiles & catfishes her dude to take out a family of 5
She’s sick individual
I hate when older people are immature like this. She needed to seek help.
It seems to be fake, I was wondering do they have a warrant to search the apartment/home, what is it probable cause?
She's FOS 🗑.
exactly, lol
This lady ruined her own life for loving a man that didn’t even love her.
That’s not love that’s desperation and obsession
That is not love
@@stype8468yup.. Love is pure and genuine, this was straight delusional and possessive behavior from a control freak
@@shannonsmalfus520nothing but lust, and her not loving herself
There is no such thing as a loving person that would murder children, just saying.
Just be faithful in relationships. If you don't want to be with the one you're with, LEAVE
That can also lead to murder😂
Yeah I have never understood why people don't just leave. They seem to want cake and to eat it too.
The video of them laughing coming out of Walmart after Everything they have done is Unsettling.
It is, however, you are gorgeous 😍🤩🤩
She’s stunning 😍
@@RaymondReignsdudes will take any moment to flirt🤣🤣 she bad tho
He said she was an “angel, very sweet girl” yet he proceeded to kill her and the entire family. Including innocent children!! It’s sickening
A very sweet angel WHO DECEIVES LIES BREAKS VOWS is UNFAITHFUL, wasn’t trusted by NATE
@@CS-hv3ouhuh 😂
@@CS-hv3ou she was more than that though and we don’t know her side
He had to say that because in his mind he thought "cop wont suspect me if I say this".
@@CS-hv3ouExactly, the devils angel
You know they’re guilty when the police knock on the door saying they’re investigating a murder and the response is “who murdered someone?” And not, “Who’s been murdered?” I’ve seen this story a few times and that always sticks out to me. If I knew nothing about a murder and the police hit me with that, I’d be freaking out thinking it’s a family member.
ETA: this is a prediction, not a conviction. But the evidence following doesn’t leave much to the imagination.
I was just gonna say that! Ding ding ding! Guilty AF.
Bingo, my initial reaction would be concern over who is the victim not who’s the assailant.
yes i thought that was so odd as well . Who says such a thing at such a time !
Likely true, but it’s also somewhat impossible to gage the reactions of people ya don’t know personally . I’d be like freaked out shocked & saying WTF???
I get what you saying but you’ll sentence someone based off “ who murdered someone “? lol
True crime is why I don't smdiscredit my crazy mother entirely. Always thought she was insane to say, "If you'll lie, you will steal. If you'll steal, you'll cheat, and if you'll cheat, you'll kill." She was right, though. It all starts with the smallest immorality and escalates continously
That's why they're called "gateways", because without the one factor that starts it all, you can't get to the final factor (ie; they say that marijuana is a "gateway" drug for something like cocaineor meth, because nobody starts doing drugs by using cocaine. People typically start drugs with the lighter stuff like pot, and continue on increasing in potency from there).
Those were some crazy jumps of morality I would never be able to kill even in self defense n everyone lies
I wish more people realized that the beast inside is fed by our actions, it doesn't come out of nowhere most of the time
It's a therapeutic tool: your thoughts become words and your words become action. So think positive about yourself and others so kindness and respect is in your behavior. Your mom is right. I wish all kids were taught this before kindergarten. ❤
Sorry but your mom was wrong, lying doesn't mean you would steal or kill.
Neither of them seem upset that someone died and they are being questioned.
It’s called the dissaciociation paradox.
Yeah that was a giveaway right there.
Excellent run down!!😁 thanks!
@@lamina11 no its not. Its called bad people who have no concience.
That's because they hadn't admitted to anything. Why show guilt when you haven't admitted anything yet? They ran. Not far though 😬
That’s so sad I feel so sad for the husband and kids and the dogs, they did nothing to deserve this.
when people just can't keep it in their pants 🤢
At least they are together so not too sad.
Hahahaha. Lol
Me too 💔😢😭
Innocent people suffer when sins are committed. Every single time.
That woman is the worst liar. There is no way she goes to the gym.
This is why we don't let our daughters date men like Tyrone. Her whole family gone because she cheated with Tae'Quan. Shame. 😊
Omg😂😂😂😂 you would make a great detective 🤣🤣🤣
This is why bass fishing is better than catfishing.
This fool of a woman did everything BUT leave her cheating man..🤡🤡🤡🤡
Well said. 👍
The fool was the husband who married a cheating wife. It all started with her.
Most don't and they blame the other women
@@CeciliaGonzalez-bi3yh the other woman deserves blame here since she was married.
@Chevy3278 never said she didn't. I simply said they only blame the woman
Only innocent ones were the husband, children and two dogs. Pretty wild
The majority. 🙄
Sadly that other woman thought they all had to pay for what the other woman did.. it wasnt right all around..
The wife, one of the children, and the dogs were innocent.
@@NightEyes267 the title was confusing,I actually made myself figure it out, before watching it,"I had it right"😞.Now everyone is dead,how tragic,how unreal.
True. If Zoraida would have had a little bit of self respect, and respect for her family and kept her legs closed this wouldn’t of happened
"His son was born and he said, 'I'm not having any more affairs. I'm not cheating on you.'"
What a great guy. 🙄
Why would you keep dating a guy like that?
Ikr. One helluva push present.
He was so great she wanted him,.. even more.. he probably has even more writing him in prison today
Dude killed a whole family and died not knowing his own fiancée was the one catfishing him the whole time. 🥴
The title is crazy but the story is INSANE. I get so mad when children are involved… innocent lives taken for NO REASON! If you cheat, LEAVE. If you get cheated on LEAVE. 😒
When kids and dogs/cats are involved😢 can’t stand it 😢
@@CM30-e1q so your gonna cry if a dog or cat is involved in an affair? how is that possible? The dogs only died because he shot them, they werent involved.
Dont play with coal 🤣
@@Nervous101 u misunderstood "involved" a tragic case where kids and dogs and cats r involved means... If their life had been taken... it's sad... That's what that above comment meant ( take ur mind off the affair and read the comment again)
The kids part literally destroys me 💔💔
Dang, that was extreme. Six people dead over an affair.
Completely agre! It’s shocking!!!!!
@@ThePatynight Let that be an example
Six people and two dogs ☹️
Dogs are humans too!!!
When you open the door to say tan, this happens.
It took 27 mins to finally understand what is actually happening.
I’m 24 min in
Would you mind explaining? I still don't even understand the title
Took me 44:52 and am still confused
None of this is making sense 😕
that and the title of the video is really confusing as well.
Wait, I just realized this dude is my age. What kind of delusion did this middle aged woman have in thinking a man 20 years younger than her was in it for the long haul?
My uncle is 15 years younger than my aunt. They are happily married. 🤷♀️ age has nothing to do if you're a cheater
So sad. A house full of life with kids, dogs, etc... and now just quiet - no commotion 😢.
This is such a poignant comment. It's terrible that it's true
I love that word, poignant
The woman was a CHEATER!! 🤔
Appalling you are right
@@Play4keeks ?
Lots of comments about not being able to follow the story.
Bottom line:
> 50 yr old female Master Mind
> 32 yr old Boyfriend/ murderer
> Woman (50) hooked up with 32 yr old with criminal history & a serial cheater
> young woman/victim/deceased
She was cheating on her husband with the Boyfriend/Murderer
> Woman (50) wanted to scare them both so they'd break up. Using fake online accounts she convinced her Boyfriend that the girl he was cheating with was a member of the Cartel & was targeting him. She also sent a letter to the girlfriend to stay away because he was a violent criminal.
Woman then convinced Boyfriend to become a murderer. Don't know if it was only supposed to be the girl but he ended up killing her, her husband, their Two sons, 9 & 7, plus their 3 Dogs. 😢😢😢😢
Luckily the two reprehensible Evil POS ran away got into a shootout with the cops, he turned his gun on the Girlfriend who created this whole Nightmare then killed himself.
Lesson: Don't cheat! Now we know what kind of Lunatics are out there!
Thank you
So in the end everyone is dead?
@@Mandabearcruz Thats what it looks like .
WOW.... INSANE. Thanks for clarifying
Coal toll paid
The Cheating woman got her whole family killed .. that’s uncomprehendable … so sad and sickening
👀 we reap what we sow
How weak you have to be to allow a unknown number to convince you to do somthing so heinous
Guys love to tell themselves "she's ruining my life" 🤡
He didn’t want his dirt to be out there and to get back to his fiancée. Trifling.
He seemed a bit touched in the head but I could be wrong.
Your life hasn't been threatened by unknown number that knows more than a stranger should. Wanna go to the police? The number will tell you the last time you bought from the store or online.
Given the way he talks it’s probable that he might be a little delayed
She looks completely caught and scared at her front door. She knew it was over at that point
When the officer questioning her on the doorstep says, "There's some pretty angry people out there." She looks at the other officer and flinches backward. She probably thought that officer she flinched from was about to reveal himself as the brother of the husband that she ordered killed or something.
Amazes me how she doesn’t care one bit about a whole family and continues to try to keep this cheater. Absolutely amazing.
This Lady is a Mother and felt no way about this Man unaliving children 😢 because he cheated!!!!!!
Along with their dogs 😢
@kimberlyschleiger6196 pretty sure the kids are more important than dogs.......
Women have no issues "unaliving" children on a daily basis. We even have our government supplementing the main organization. Went is this one different?
She was a desperate cougar reject.
She still wanted to get wifed up by him. Pathetic woman
That cop has been waiting his entire life to use his shield, rifle and ram😂
Lol, I was like, he's too excited to use his gear. I probably would be too 😂
And didn't get to use them because the door was unlocked lmfao he was ready though...
Sounds like he’s ready to save survivors if there were any.
Ok, so it wasn’t just me! 😅
The scene where the cops were checking out the home is just haunting. No lights, no sound, just cold bodies and dried blood lying on the floor.
So sad 😞
It Really is
@aliciadickson4564 I figured if you have the experience just by all the cars being there no sound or lights knocked over tv and things would automatically notify you something terrible happened
Yeah, it sounds like a frikkin mad man went mad the minute he walked through the door. I knew it was about to be all bad, then the dogs found just laying gone omg
I'm staying single forever. Everyone is a liability.
You should hide in your closet too cus it's dangerous outside.
I just feel bad for the faithful husband , kids, and dogs - the rest were unworthy people.
But you don’t really know if the husband was faithful, LE didn’t know .
What if he wasn’t tho? Who knows
@marciayoung8735 what makes you think he wasn't?
@@Thought_Police ok and where is the proof? Otherwise your what ifs are absolutely useless
@@ivand0007 who cares what you think is useless? The possibility remains and sadly given today’s climate it’s not unlikely so whynot pose the question? Because people like you get your feelings hurt?
This woman was so INCREDIBLY INSECURE that she was willing to literally KILL her COMPETITION!
I would have called it narcissistic revenge, more than insecurity! Pure evil!
She won.
She is a psychopath!
@@mrs.americayeah right.
@@4katt372 The married one shouldn't have cheated.
She’s like I’m in my 50’s I don’t do that …. Girl you did worst lol
just feel so sorry for all the children, the husband and their dogs, as for Zoraida, why couldn't she just be happy with her husband and children and why couldn't the other woman just kick him out for cheating once again, no she would rather incite him to murder an entire family and then go on the run with him, what about her kids who have now lost their mother!! Did they get him out alive?
“Many murders go unsolved” Not when it’s an entire family including two children and three dogs 😐
Shout to the Law & Crime Network channel for telling this story so I couldn’t figure it out until the end. Great job guys!
@@cakenicole7417 😆
It took you that long? Dang.....
So true. Absolutely useless. If you're going to put it on You Tube, at least tell the story clear. It had to be a random person here explaining it
Yep- this one’s terribly done
U could have left the kids out yall nasty adult problems
@@janaharvey550 and the husband people in certain parts of the world get killed for infidelity I feel for the husband, kids and the dogs not the wife 💯
I think you, me and the 125 who liked your comment are the only people out of millions who think that way. It’s the first thing I always think and no one ever comments about that so ❤ to you. You are so right!! ❤
Adult problems always involves kids just look at war humans are a nasty kind
out of* your* nasty
@@DarthVader1977 it’s almost as if abbreviations & lingo exist 😱😳🤯😮😲
Zoraida out here betraying her whole family. So sorry for the husband and those kids. Even the pets.
I mean yeah, she’s a cheater. But nobody deserves a death sentence for cheating
@justofreakinwatch yes they do
@@brendalouis7368 I'm so glad there are people like you who are perfection walking 24/7. Without people like you how would we ever figure out what everyone else in life "deserves"
@@rca6576 you don’t need to be perfect not to cheat. If not cheating is considered “perfection” then I guess I am perfect. Peddling false equivalence.
@@brendalouis7368 Every single person on earth has lied or done something wrong including you. Right now you are by judging a dead woman for "cheating"
No way I could be a cop seeing gruesome scenes like that, especially children 😢
A whor*s children what about the dogs?
I know. I really want to be a 911 dispatcher but I’m afraid of being traumatized by what I might hear.
I am a nurse i love my job but still struggle with blood and patients dying i dont want to even imagine crime scenes definately being a Cop is not easy
and dogs!
That’s why you have to be hard to be a cop not soft
The title of this video should be that a 50 year old woman was being cheated on by her boyfriend. 50 year old woman then created fake social media accounts to convince her boyfriend to kill the woman he was cheating on her with. Actually there is no title to accurately describe this mess! 🤷 This is honestly a really complicated story and I don't blame anybody for being confused because it took me over half of this video to figure it out!
I had to google this. I was incredibly confused as well.
I feel they came up with that plot together to create he could claim he was panicked and maybe she could claim being forced to go along w it idk
@@JS-ps6cb right!!
Finally the comment I was looking for
Mama that’s not a title, that’s a description.
Moral of the story:
don't cheat.
The grass being greener is only an illusion.
Be grateful for the love you have.
Or if unhappy just get a divorce and move on…….
THAT part - and let not forget that the deceased wife's affair led to her family being annihilated
Nathanial cheated too. So that means that that’s what everybody gets for Nathanial’s cheating.
@zebradivine, when will people learn that they put them and their loved ones at risk having affairs. Just leave if your not happy.
@@bonnielee7134 for both of their cheating, not just his. Oh, and she was married, he was not.
They forgot to mention how that other chic having an affair was partly to blame also.
💯 Agree
She set up a woman and family to be killed and got killed herself. Karma is not usually that swift
I’m sure that was both their plan to die instead of being apprehended
Exactly!! 👍
@@rayna7623But the boyfriend supposedly had no idea his girlfriend was catfishing him.
Da*n- spoiler alert
@@honeybfly1980 she probably was prone to being evil anyways
Crazy that he died not knowing how bad she played him
How tf do you know he didnt know that his wife manipulated him???? Because there was no text messages saying that??????? For all we know, the wife couldve told thim in private and they couldve laughed about it and bonded over that bs. All we know is wtf the law enforcement pulled from the phones
@@dianevrulesgirl relax ain't nobody gonna laugh and bond over that 🙄😩 be fr but I will agree that maybe he knew you just never know and now we'll never know
No the husband knew. He punctured Nathaniels tires & knew about his wifes affair
@@linalicious415where did you get this information from because it wasn’t in this video?
@@dianevrules Zoraida texted Nathaniel earlier that day she loved him and he still committed a senseless crime. Even though the husband punctured Nate’s tires he apologized for it later, and wanted him to leave his wife alone. So she played him and the only couple that bonded over this was the wannabe Bonnie and Clyde.
So many crazy people roaming around this earth protect yourself people
💯💯💯 !!
Exactly 💯
That is the first thing that came to mind.
So many crazy people with guns in the USA.
I read an article about this. I'm so confused. This is the craziest most intricate murder plot I've ever read.
Lots of terrible people making terrible decisions.
That poor husband and those babies ❤❤❤
& the dogs 💔
@@3DUIs The dogs wouldn't be able to ID him. Why did he kill the dogs? The man was clearly a psycho lunatic.
@@loralieisabeing a dog owner himself, I thought maybe he didn’t want them to be alone and starve, thinking no one will ever find this family… but I’m sure he just wasted them for fun. Or maybe they were barking and he had to silence them. The whole thing is sick.
@@AlphaZaius67 So you think he blasted dogs because he didn't want them to starve? It's not like a family of four is going to miss school/work and other commitments for more than a couple of days without a wellness check. Occam's razor suggests that most dogs are vicious towards intruders so he shot them because he thought they were a threat.
@@loralieisa kids wouldn’t either all be needed was a ski mask
This lady is beyond scary and manipulative. And her boyfriend is scary for doing what he did. Both need to be locked up for life
Edit: just got to the end. What a horrible story stranger than fiction
If this is the story I’m thinking about, they are both dead. Died while on a high speed chase from the cops.
@lachicafun yup, this is that story.
He wanted to put his airsoft skill to real use
He ended it for both in the police chase
Which lady, the girlfriend or the "married" woman who was sleeping around?
I bet cops get a feeling they know what they're about to find, most of the time, when they walk up to a house that looks occupied yet deserted all at the same time. My heart goes out to these police officers that send up discovering gruesome scenes like this. Heartbreaking and traumatic.
So sad for those kids, their father and dogs.
Seems like they should have had a search warrant for the phone before they asked for it.
The Feds be doing things their own way
Nah. Only if they're told No. ALWAYS tell them No. Make 'em earn that paycheck.
Would they not have caught him then?? Glad they searched it without asking at least for this ruthless guy @pagecinnas8498
They don’t have to have a warrant to ask. They don’t have to give it to them. If they say no, then they get the warrant.
They asked for consent 1st
6 innocent lives. We can’t forget about the dogs that stood guard to protect theirs family. So sad!!
As soon as I saw the gate and fence I knew it was a house with dogs and the fact they weren't barking while the police were creeping around just meant one thing, they were dead. If the dogs were dead that usually means something absolutely terrible has happened in that house.
@@flowerjpotter1629 really, ponder that, I would have never guess that.
@@flowerjpotter1629that's exactly when the cop KNEW he'd find bodies, called for back up and retrieved his rifle!!!
6? Husband, two children and the dogs, thats 5. She wasnt innocent, he decided to cheat on her husband with someone else's husband, just able as twisted as the other two.
To think that woman gave UP her whole family/ pets for a nasty killer !! The kids and pets make my stomach turn and my heart burn!!!
It will always blow my mind how far a simple minded man will go for a selfish , emotionally broken , jealous and evil woman .
Some men are vulnerable to a beautiful woman.
He has a criminal background, and someone hires him as a security officer 🤦♀️
Why kill the kids and the dogs?!! Just plain cruel.
Make it look like a cartel hit
The kids so they wouldn't suffer and the family could be together but the dogs. Eh that's a new one.
@@grimsonforce7504 depends on the breed 🤷 but they could suffer too.
Dogs are a threat.
dogs are a threat and children and husband are witnesses
Being a single "cat lady" is a blessing these days. Who wants to be in the dating scene with all the unhinged people out in these streets?
I'm a single "cat guy" 😆 🤣
@jowbloe4700 Living the life, my friend. Nothing but's great.
So true! I love being by myself
@ The peace and serenity. Free from chaos
This is madness 😮, I can't keep my jaw from dropping. Imagine if people took all this energy to cheat or figure out if their partner is cheating, and redirected those efforts towards helping their community, volunteering with homeless animals, teaching people to read??? What a complete waste of life and your eternal soul. Awful.
Or just walking away.
@Amberkay862 right! This is so wildly insane and evil!
Narcissist/psychopath’s minds don’t work like that.
Sounds like Zoraida couldn't keep her jaw from dropping for the cheating killer's meat
Thank you
Spot. On
so sad 3 innocent lives were lost, feel so bad for the husband, kids and dogs.
I pray that the husband, children and the dogs all rest in peace. How sad......awful.
If they were repentant to Christ. Yes
Else no
So she shouldn't rest in peace because she cheated??
Same here. They were innocent. My heart breaks for them.
@@sadabarrett5571 no, because her cheating led to her entire family being murdered.
@@sadabarrett5571 yes
Yo that Truthfinder ad was smooth 😂 didn’t even seem like an ad at first haha.
@@JohnMichaelAtx did
I was thinking the same thing like hold up 😂
Best promo plug Ive ever seen. Only one I didnt skip
This whole story is insane.
Totally agree with you 😳
@DeepestQuotesAndthis clears top 5 easily
yeah if it was a movie script people would say this is unbelievable.
Half way through and he’s trying to deny giving him the phone 😂
I knew she was lying when she stopped the conversation to ask for a water just to buy her time to get her story together and throw the cops off.
Right, he offered her a sealed drink and then she said "I'm not taking that from you!" Like what?!! Did you want the water unsealed?!
The case makes a little more sense after reading about it online.
Ermalinda had been texting her husband, Nathaniel, for the last year using fake numbers and accounts, eventually convincing him he was now part of the cartel and therefore working for them. They told Nathaniel that Zoraida was a mole and needed to be murdered.
Nathaniel killed his lover’s husband, Alberto, then Zoraida, then the kids. At some point Nathaniel also killed their THREE dogs. The boys were 7 and 9 years old and if the police’ theory is correct, that means they also witnessed their mother shot multiple times before they were shot themselves. This is an absolutely horrific and tragic case. I just will never understand how there are people in the world capable of such despicable behavior, but at least Nathaniel and Ermalinda are no longer a threat to anyone else. My heart breaks for Zoraida and Alberto’s families 😭
Another MENSA candidate.
THANKS a million for the explanation!
ok got it right off. ha too many having to explain--what up,yo
You are the real MVP!!!! Thank you
Tbh all parties involved in this tragedy share the same brain cell
I'm baffled as to how none of the neighbors or anyone heard all of those gunshots.
I agree! It’s on my grandmas street and no one heard it. It’s bizarre.
Maybe he had a silencer?
@AprilAiteen Supressors aren't like TV and movies portray. They're slightly less loud, but still make a loud noise. The people screaming would also be hard to hide.
@@MissMosierable Yup lol. They only cut the noise level down about 30 decibels at best from like 180.
Whether I call police in that situation depends on the neighbor 😂
She killed her husband and her own two kids by cheating 😮
Anyone and everyone has cheated. So for you to say that she offed her family by cheating is inaccurate. Your parents have cheated with other people and you're still alive. your soul dark 🌑 I have little faith in humanity. You're doomed.
@@confidentialprivate8757 you shouldn’t have access to social media
@@confidentialprivate8757stop projecting your immoral personality onto others. Everyone does not cheat
Paid to not see ads, then they just put ads in the video, now the ads are integrated into the story. What's next?
@@kurtkaster5666 ads in video game cutscenes
A lot of people are doing that now, it's annoying
I said not the plug in the middle of the video they are not playing 😅😂
What’s scary is the children were hiding in the bedroom as dad tried to protect them. That must have been terrifying
So scary and heartbreaking to think of this. Wow. Poor babies.
If someone cheats, just leave them. Why would you want to eliminate an entire family??
How does Nathanial, the "security officer," get a job like that with an extensive criminal background?
No background check
They probably didn't do a background check or just gave him a chance. One of my friends son's got a security guard job and he is almost 500 pounds of he isn't already.
His “extensive” record all seemed to be driving related. Maybe that’s why?
His friend probably worked there and got him the job
@@jaelynn7575 you really think they’re giving those jobs to upstanding citizens? I see those jobs advertised on Twitter and Craigslist all day
Damn he’s 33 and she’s 50
The title should have been.."Cheating Man Murders Woman He Was Sleeping with, and Her Family, After His Fiance Manipulates Him Posing As a Cartel Member". My title is kinda long, but atleast it's better than that brain aneurysm inducing title....
Thank you. Now I understand. I was so confused. That is such an evil thing to do 😢
Bad English
Thank you because I am still confused smh
Yeah I don’t even have time to sit through this anymore.
I feel so sad for the innocent lives lost. The kids are stuck with monsters who only care about themselves. How sad.
how are these people real adults functioning in the real world? you let a textnow # convince you to take out an entire family???
It is crazy on the surface but many many people in the world are victims to manipulation, living and playing in a fantasy world in their minds.
some people are beyond help. Its truly hard to comprehend people like this.
The level of stupidity and amorality in this case is astounding. RIP to the family who lost their lives
He's a usual suspect. What more could you expect
Never underestimate the stupidity of ppl. Especially when they're not too bright to begin with and are easily influenced.
The title had me thinking I’m not very bright. But I am bright. I am smart and intelligent. I am wise.
Lol right
The Help 🤭
fr i had to research the case beforehand so i could understand what the dynamic was here lmao
It must be extremely stressful going to do a welfare check on anyone
Two narcissists.
After they completely destroy that other family they selfishly take their own lives and orphan their own children!
Lying, cheating, jealousy, and egos.
Nope, the only narcissist was the woman. Her cheating boyfriend was just weak. Which is always the dynamic. One is a manipulator and the other weak.
@@timg6176 Jezebel and Ahab spirits. If you know, you know. RIP to the victims.
@@adrianasayavedra7284interesting I have to look more in that now I've heard about the Jezebel spirit but not the Ahab spirit but I will be checking it out
Detective: "We're investigating a murder"
Ermalinda: "Who murdered someone?" She doesn't ask WHO was murdered.... 🤨
freudian slip.
youre investigating me??
I caught that too
This would be considered a family annihilator situation, but a massively out of the norm one. This case is just crazy!
No it wouldn't because it wasn't his family, it would have to have been his wife and kids for that.
How is this easier than a divorce/walking away!!!! Poor kids , the dog & the hubby smh 🤦♀️ rip
These officers absolutely handled the welfare check so well - props to them
No doubt
Who would have the heart to do this? This is beyond evil 😢
@@LudiCrust.when you google translate your comment it says, outside 😂
@@kellypalmer7052 🤷🏼♀️🥰🙃😇😂😈
You said the words a person with no heart that’s who.
What a cruel act. Not even the dogs were saved 😢
When the kids even were executed why would he leave the dogs to starve and start eating the dead bodies?
@@Qanitanita99 hmm 🤔 I was thinking he didn’t want the dogs to attack him for murdering their owners. I doubt he has an ounce of empathy for the dogs being in a situation of starvation.
@@Qanitanita99 How could someone who has children & owns dogs THEMSELVES do this?!
He could've let the dogs free
From an article I read, Ermalinda said, through her fake account, make it look like kids did it. That must have been his or the fake account’s interpretation.
One of the last statements in the video was about how she tricked him and it was basically all her fault. While what she did is completely despicable, the *utter violence* HE caused was the ultimate act. He destroyed TWO families with his unrestrained violence. Not saying his wife had no part to play here, because she is just as guilty, but don’t place all of the blame on her, when he already had a history of crimes, which shows he had the capability to kill a bunch of innocent people for nothing, and then he just acted normally. That is sociopathic levels of behavior. He could have done something like this even without her instigation.
Moral of the story … DO NOT HAVE AFFAIRS!! It leads to so many unnecessary circumstances with this case being one of the more extreme I’ve came across.
These people aren’t normal. They’re narcissist/ psychopaths. It’s about dominance and control.
Normal people have the sense to realize that it just isn’t working anymore and get a divorce.
And all of the countless people murdered by their spouse who weren't having affairs? Your more likely to be murdered by a spouse than anyone else. Simple fact
@@ronhunte9551My comment is only speaking specifically to this incident. Of course there are countless cases of spouse on spouse crime where there is no infidelity involved. Thanks for your reply.
Chris Watts
Look up Chris Watts. That’s a nightmare ending due to an affair too. So bad.
We’re investigating a murder ‘who murdered someone’? Kind of an odd response
@@ayceleijae I agree. Not “who’s been murdered”…
Well she didn't murder anyone
Yeah I also noticed that right away. Doesnt sound suspicious at all😅
@@sugarbabyboo8028 She was the driver for the murderer, so she was guilty of conspiracy to murder.
Even tho i feel for the murdered woman & her family... the fact that she had an affair with a man that ended up MURDERING her & her entire FAMILY shows how you should NEVER get involved with basically a STRANGER.. someone who could be capable of this type of EVIL..& you & your family will end up facing the CONSEQUENCES!
Not just strangers.
They were co workers
@@andreah6175 Guess that makes it okay to cheat with them?
Far, far more people are murdered by their actual spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend or harmed by relatives. That's why police look at those closest 1st. So your point doesn't really hold water at all
@ronhunte9551 that's obvious and by nature the people you interact with the most are more likely going to be involved in a crime related to you. That doesn't mean strangers are absolutely guilt free and you should let your guard down. You should learn statistics and logic.
A neighborhood full of barking dogs would drive me insane.😮